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Penned by "Amna Abdul Qahar" Class Three

Human rights are defined as a set of rights that are given to every human being regardless of their gender, caste, creed, religion or economic status. These are said to be moral principles that direct certain standard of human behaviour. These right are applicable everywhere and at every time protected by law.

Basic human rights include the right to life, fair trial, liberty and personal security, right to own property, right of education, right of marriage and family, right of nationality and freedom to change it freedom of speech, freedom from slavery, freedom of thought and religion and many more everyone is entitled to these without discrimination. As in the last sermon of holy prophet (S.A.W) said that all Muslims are brother to each other an Arab is not superior to a non-Arab or a white skinned person is not superior to a black skinned person. All humans are equal. The superiority belongs to piety.

As in the offering five times prayers in the Mosque in one row with all others Muslims no matter who is rich or poor. This equality of mankind is also explain in poetry by Iqbal.

There is a Hadith on equality Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said “O People your Lord is one and your father is one you all are created from Adam and Eve and Adam was created from the earth. He is most honored among you in the sight of ALLAH who is most upright no Arab is superior to a non-Arab, no colour person to white person or a white person to a black person expect by Taqwa.

Human rights make our life happy and safe .It also plays a very important role in the welfare of the people of our country. Earth is the mother of all people and all people should have a right upon it. From all the above discussion we can conclude that Islam spread the message of equality. So we should learn from Islamic teachings on equality. Learn that every Muslim is the brother of another.