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Penned by "Meerab Fatima" Class Three

Human rights are the basic rights which are required for normal existence and living. Every woman or man is born with some fundamental rights such as right to live, speech, justice , freedom, take part in country's governance etc.

It also includes economic and social rights such as the right to equality, right to education, right to work, right to rest and leisure. Right to education, equal pay for equal work etc. For safe guarding humanity these right s have been listed in the Universal Declaration of human rights. It was adopted by the United Nation on 10th December 1948.

Human rights have received a lot of attention in the last few decades. Every country has a different opinion on giving social economic and political rights to its citizens. So the basic idea was to try for giving essential rights to people all over the world.

Unfortunately, many cases of human rights violations have come into light in the last few years. Racial discrimination, child labour, cruelty to prisoners of war etc, are some of such issues. The minorities are treated very badly in many parts of the world.This is very unfortunate.

Every country has a National Human Rights Commission. It make sure that human rights are properly executed. They encourage NGOs to work effectively in this field. Every individual has the birth right to live freely with dignity. We should try to help the government organizations in their mission to protect human rights. Wherever we see an incident of human rights violation, we should immediately informed concern Ed department. A country, only with free and happy citizens can develop in a real sense.