Pleasure Of Reading

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Penned by Sehrish Fatima, Class 8th (Main Branch)

Reading will give you lasting pleasure.

A book is always a source of pleasures. It is constant companion to man in weal or woe. It is a source of knowledge as well as entertainment. Books entertain and delight their readers. Reading is a thrilling and an enchanting experience. Books are the pearls of wisdom. They act as beacon lights to illumine our path on the dark and vast ocean of life.

A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people.
                                                   - Will Rogers

Reading is an important gateway to personal development and access to social, economic and civic life. It allows us to learn about other people, history and different cultures. By reading, we can gather knowledge in different areas like social studies, language subjects, arts, science, mathematics, and other topics.
"The greatest pleasure of reading consists in re-reading"

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Reading gives unique pleasure. The pleasures of reading are many. They differ from reader to reader. Books introduced a new charm in life. Reading is the best source of knowledge. Book is a precious life blood of master mind. Books are the distinct pleasure. They act as an information to us. Milton has rightly said:

A good book is the precious Life-blood of a master-spirit, embalmed and treasured Up on purpose for a life beyond.

Reading is of different kinds. It may be light or dangerous. It may be adventurous or spiritual. It helps to know about different things. Some people like to read newspapers, periodicals and journals. They are store house of journal information about current events and other topics.
Reading gives us both pleasure and profit. Reading helps to enrich our knowledge. It amuses us as well. It is one of the best habits which remove the loneliness and boredom of life.

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Reading is to the mind What Exercise to the body

When children read for pleasure, they get “hooked on books”. They gather a lot of information and also learn language skills. Many people are so concerned about reading that they become adequate readers. They learn the vocabulary and develop the ability to understand and use complex grammatical constructions.

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There is no friend As loyal as a book

Everybody wants recreation after hard work. It is a biological necessity. Books are a ‘great source of entertainment and recreation.’ They share the readers’ joys and sorrows. A lover of books comes back home a very relaxed man after a visit to the library. For him, the library is a temple of learning and a source of pleasures.

Today a leader Tomorrow a leader

Books share our joys and sorrows. When we are in happy mood, we share our pleasures in the company of books. In sadder moments, books act as our nurses or guardians and provide us with words of encouragement and consolation.

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Reading is dreaming with open eyes

The habit of reading is a sign of culture. It is a great source of enjoyment and the best means of utilizing leisure. Books are a treasure richer than any king’s treasure. They are the gold mines of art, literature, science and information. They are our constant companions. We must value them.

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The pleasure of Reading is a greatest Solitude