High Section Science Lab Activities

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Science lab is an important resource for students to learn science and perform experiments that reinforce what they learn in the classroom. The lab provides students with hands-on experiences that help them understand scientific concepts and develop critical thinking skills.

Our lab is well-equipped with all the latest and greatest in scientific tools and materials. We have a variety of microscopes, beakers, and test tubes, as well as a large selection of chemicals and other materials needed for experiments. We also have a variety of lab equipment such as scales, balances, and thermometers.

The lab is designed to foster an atmosphere of collaborative learning, where students can work together in small groups to explore and solve scientific problems. Our teachers are highly trained and knowledgeable, and they use the lab to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences .

Models Exhibition

The students actively participated in the Model Exhibition at our school. It was a vibrant showcase of creativity, innovation, and academic prowess. Students from various grades participated enthusiastically, bringing forth their meticulously crafted models that reflected a wide array of topics. They also gave presentations about them. It was a lively event where creativity and knowledge shone through.