First Term Exams 2024

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& Marks
Syllabus &
Marks Distribution
1 Paper
Marks: 25
Oxford Reading Tree:
"House for Sale" , "A new House". Child must be Capable of telling the whole story in his/her own words۔
Paper Question: Tell the whole story from O.R.T Book "House for Sale" , "A new House".(Marks 5)

English Work Book Reading pages.
Paper Question: Read the words as asked by the teacher.(Marks 5)
Paper Question: Read the page as asked by the teacher from Abdali English Workbook.(Marks 5)
Paper Question: Make sentences with the help of all uses.(Marks 5)
G.K Vocabulary:
Topic no:1 to 5
Paper Question:
Tell the vocabulary as asked by the teacher.(Marks 5)
2 Paper
Marks: 50
Singular Plural:
Ball, Book, Cup, Hen, Egg, Pen, Tree, Jug, Top, Duck
Masculine Feminine:
Boy, Father, Man, Bull, Cock, Brother, Sir, Ox, Uncle, He.
Words Opposites:
In, Black, Happy, Bull, Few, Tall, Up, Cold, Good, Big, Thick.
Work Book:Page No:18, 19,20, 31, 33, 35, 44.
Work Book use of a/an, He/She is (In the form of fill in the blanks and sentence making).
page no. 17, 18, 28, 29, 36
Parts of body, Fruits name, Colours name.
My Self
Words Making with sounds:
page no. 32, 40, 48
oo, ee, ai, au, pl, sh
Question Answers:
Page no. 26,34,50

Paper Question:
Q: 1 Fill in the sentences with the given "use".(Marks 5)
Q: 2 Write the vocabulary as asked in the question.(Marks 5)
Q: 3 Write an essay on given topic.(Marks 5)
Q: 4 Write Feminine,plural and opposite of given words.(Marks 15)
Q: 5 Make words with sounds.(Marks 2.5)
Q: 6 Answer the questions.(Marks 2.5)
Q: 7 Do Dictation.(Marks 15)
2 Paper
Marks: 25
More & few, Tall & short, Big & Small, Long & short, Thick & Thin.
2 & 3.
Forward Counting:
From 0 to 100
Backward Counting:
99 to 0
Counting with spelling:
0 to 20
Shapes Name:
Rectangle, Oval, Circle, Triangle,Square, Cone.
Paper Question:
Q: 1 Recite the table as asked by the teacher.( Marks: 5)
Q: 2 Recite the forward counting as asked by the teacher.(Marks: 2.5)
Q: 3 Recite the backward counting as asked by the teacher.( Marks: 2.5)
Q: 4 Tell the spell of numbers as asked by the teacher.( Marks: 5)
Q: 5 Tell the spell of shapes as asked by the teacher.( Marks: 5)
Q: 6 Identify the difference between two objects as asked by the teacher.(Marks: 5)
3 Paper
Marks: 75
More & few, Tall & short, Big & Small, Long & short, Thick & Thin.
Page No: 3-24,29-31,34-43.
2 & 3.
Forward Counting:
From 0 to 100
Backward Counting:
99 to 0
Counting with spelling:
0 to 20
Shapes Name:
Rectangle, Oval, Circle, Triangle,Square, Cone.
Sums of word problem:
Addition and Subtraction
In ones and tens.
Page no:53, 54, 55, 67, 68, 69, 70.
What comes after,between,before,Dictation Words are also included.
Paper Question:
Q: 1 Write down the counting as directed. (Marks 20)
Q: 2 Write down the given table.(Marks 10)
Q: 3 Solve the given sums.(Marks 10)
Q: 4 Write the spell of given numbers and shapes.(Marks 5)
Q: 5 Write what comes after,before and between numbers.(Marks 10)
Q: 6 Write down the differnce between two objects.(Marks 5)
Q: 7 Count and Write.(Marks 5)
Q: 8 Do Dictation as asked.(Marks 10)
4 Paper
Marks: 50
G.K Book Topics
Chapters: Human Body, Animlas, All about me, My family
Paper Question:
10 oral questions will be asked from above mentioned topics.Each question will carry equal marks. (Marks: 20)

Paper Question:
Q:1 Label the given picture. (Marks: 10)
Q:2 Match the following.(Marks: 10)
Q: 3 solve the given worksheet.( Marks: 10)
5 Paper
Marks: 25

سوال جواب
صفحہ نمبر : 4،5،6
ٰامتحا نی سوالات:
دس سوالات پوچھے جائیں گے۔ہرسوال کےبرابرنمبرہوں گے۔
پہلا کلمہ، علم میں اضا فے کی دعا،جا گنے کی دعا
ٰامتحا نی سوالات:
3 پوچھی گئی سورۃ سنائیں۔
پوچھی گئی دعا سنایئں۔ 2

6 Paper
Marks: 25
English Poems:
Poems No 1 to 5 from G.K (sing in tune with actions.)
Paper Question: Sing the poem of the teacher choice.(Marks 12.5(5 for poem+5 for actions+2.5 for rhythm))

Urdu Poems:
Poems No 1 to 5 from G.K (sing in tune with actions.)
Paper Question: Sing the poem of the teacher choice.(Marks 12.5(5 for poem+5 for actions+2.5 for rhythm))

7 Paper
Marks 25:
Sketching and Drawing:
Drum, Pencil, Candle, Apple, Orange, Tomato, Ladyfinger.
Day Scene, Night Scene.
Hand Printing, Collage in pear and mango, Make a hut with match stick,Make a paper boat,Make flower with fork.

Paper Question:
Draw the given object and colour it.(Marks 5)
Draw the given scene and colour it.(Marks 5)
Draw the object as asked in question paper and colour it.(Marks 5)
Do the collage in given object with the help of crepe paper.(Marks 2.5)
Make any object with the help of finger painting.(Marks 2.5)
Scrap Book: Marks 2.5
Sketch Book: Marks 2.5
8 Papaer
Marks 25

با ب نمبر:1،2 کی پڑھا ئی اورلفظوں کی پہچا ن کے سا تھ املاء
امتحا نی سوالات:
10 سوال نمبر:1 تصویری کہا نی پڑھ کر سنایئں۔
سوال نمبر: 2 ابدالی ورک بک میں سے پوچھے گئے الفاظ پڑھ کر سنایئں۔ 5
سوال نمبر:3 ابدالی ورک بک میں سے پوچھا گیا صفحہ پڑھ کر سنائیں۔ 10

9 Paper
Marks: 50

اردو حروف تہجی
حروف تہجی کی مکمل اور آدھی اشکال لکھنی چاہیئں۔ حروف تہجی کی آوازوں کی مکمل شناخت کروائی جائے۔حروف تہجی کی آوازوں کو ملا کر لفظ بنانے آنے چاہییں۔
ا ، و مصوتہ اوربڑا مصوتہ اور شرارتی حروف سے الفاظ
استعما لات
یہ ایک، وہ ایک،میرا،میری،میرے،
الفاظ متضاد
صبح، صاف، اونچا، گرمی، زمین، بڑا
:واحد جمع
لڑکا،پو دا،تارا،بکرا،انڈا، کپڑا
مذکر مونث :
لڑکا، نانا، مرغا، بیل، دادا، بکرا۔
میری ذات
عام استمال کا ذخیرہ الفاظ:
جسم کے حصوں کے نام، پھلوں کے نام، رنگوں کے نام۔
سوال جواب
ورک بک سوال جواب:صفحہ نمبر: 32,55
ورک بک
صفحہ نمبر:3 تا 20،21 تا 24، 26 تا 31، 33 تا 37، 39، 40،42، 43، 49،50،80
امتحا نی سوالات:
سوال نمبر: 1 درج زیل سوالات کے جوابا ت دیں۔ 5
سوال نمبر: 2 "یہ" اور "وہ" کے استمعال سے جملےبنا ئیں۔ 5
سوال نمبر: 3 دیئے گئے الفا ظ کو جملوں میں استعما ل کریں۔ 5
سوال نمبر: 4 رنگوں کے نام، پھلوں کے نام، جسم کے حصوں کے نا م لکھیں۔ 15
سوال نمبر: 5 مزکر کے مو نث، واحد کے جمع، الفاظ کے متضاد لکھیں۔ 15
سوال نمبر: 6 "میری زات " پر مضمون لکھیں۔ 5