Annual Exams 2023
Being Commenced From January

No Subject
& Marks
Syllabus &
Marks Distribution
1 Paper
English Oral
Marks: 25
Oxford Reading Tree:
Story Book: "The Dream" & "A New Dog"
Paper Question: Tell the whole story from O.R.T Book "A New Dog"& "The Dream".(Marks 5)

English Alphabets:
abc song and letters from 'a to z' with sounds and complete recognition.
Paper Question: Read aloud English alphabets from 'a to z'.(Marks 5)

English Book:
"a" to "z" with all picture recognition.
Paper Question: Read the vocabulary of letters from Abdali Alphabets Book as asked by the teacher.(Marks 5)
Paper Question: Recognize 5 English Alphbets' letters as asked by the teacher.(Marks 2.5)

Vocabulary From General Knowledge Book:
Page No: 7 ( Fruits Names )
Page No: 8 ( Animals Names )
Page No: 9 ( Shapes Names )
Page No: 10 ( Parts of Body )
Page No: 11 ( Colours Names )
Paper Question: Tell the vocabulary as asked by the teacher.(Marks 5)

Spoken English:
Lesson No:1 to 10 from Spoken English Learning Lesson from Abdali G.K.
Paper Question: Answer teacher's question asked in English about 'Spoken English Lessons' sentences.(Marks 2.5)
2 Paper
English Written
Marks: 50
English Alphabets:
Child should be able to write "a" to "z" according to the school (as in work book) pattern in four lines and should be able to take dictation of small alphabets with sound.

Paper Questions :
Q: 1 Write small alphabets on single dots according to the school (as in work book) pattern.(Marks 15)
Q: 2 Fill in the missing letters.(Marks 5)
Q: 3 Write first letter of the picture.(Marks 5)
Q: 4 Circle the object that matches the first letter in each row.(Marks 5)
Q: 5 Write sky letter, grass letter, root letters.(Marks 5)
Q: 6 Rewrite the given alphabets in order.(Marks 5)
Q: 7 Do the dictation of English Alphabets's sounds.(Marks 10)
3 Paper
Maths Oral
Marks: 25
From 0 to 49 with recognition.
Paper Question: Recite the numbers as asked by the teacher.(Marks 10)

Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, Square, Oval, Star, (With full recognition.)
Paper Question: Recognize the shapes.(Marks 5)

Big/Small, More/Less, Tall/Short. Heavy/Light, Long/Short, Thin/Thick, Empty/Full (with understanding.)
Paper Question: Identify the difference between two objects.(Marks: 5)

Counting Book:
Recognize and learn Abdali number book Complete.
Paper Question: Recognize the number asked by the teacher.(Marks 2.5)
Paper Question: Recognize, count and tell number of objects asked by teacher from Numbers Book.(Marks 2.5)
4 Paper
Maths Written
Marks: 50
Counting :
Counting from 0 to 49.

Paper Question:
Q: 1 Write Counting from 0 to 49 according to school pattern.(Marks 15)
Q: 2 Fill in the missing number.(Marks 5)
Q: 3 Do colour in " tall " thing and tick the " short ".(concept may vary)( Marks 5)
Q: 4 Count and write the correct number in box.(Marks 5)
Q: 5 Write what comes after?(Marks 5)
Q: 6 Arrange the given numbers.(Marks 5)
Q: 7 Dodging.(Marks 10)
5 Paper
Marks: 25
English Poems:
Poems No 1 to 10 from G.K (sing in tune with actions.)
Paper Question: Sing the poem of the teacher choice.(Marks 12.5(5 for poem+5 for actions+2.5 for rhythm))

Urdu Poems:
Poems No 1 to 10 from G.K (sing in tune with actions.)
Paper Question: Sing the poem of the teacher choice.(Marks 12.5(5 for poem+5 for actions+2.5 for rhythm))
6 Paper
General Knowledge
Marks: 25
English G.K:
Question No: 1 to 30
Urdu G.K:
Question No: 1 to 50
Paper Question:
10 Questions will be asked. Each question carries equal marks. The questions which have been taught in singing form will only be accepted in siging (like weather names, days of week etc.)
7 Paper
Islamiat Oral
Marks: 25
Islamiat G.K:
Question No: 1 to 50 from Abdali G.K.
Paper Question:
10 Questions will be asked. Each question carries equal marks.
8 Paper
Colouring & Drawing
Marks: 25
Leaf, Candle, Teddy Bear
Fish printing with leaf
Collage in Orange
Kite, Balloon
Paint with finger in Mango
Garden Scene & Rainy Scene
Paper Question:
Q: 1 Do th colour in given Picture.(Marks 5)
Q: 2 Complete the given picture by joining the dots and colour it.(Marks 2.5)
Q: 3 Do collage in the given picture with crepe paper.(Marks 5)
Q: 4 Paint with your finger in the given picture.(Marks 5)
Q: 5 Draw the given scene.(Marks 2.5)
Scrap Book (Only 3rd term): Marks 5
9 Paper
Urdu Oral
Marks: 25

اردو حروف تہجی:
ا تا ے اردو حروف تہجی لہہ کے ساتھ اور ا تا ے پہچان اور آوازوں کے ساتھ
اردو کتاب:
ا تا ے تصویروں کی شناخت اور آوازوں کے ساتھ.
امتحا نی سوالات
10 سوال نمبر: 1 ا تا ے مکمل حروف تہجی گا کر سنائیں۔
5 سوال نمبر: 2 پوچھے گئے حروف کی شنا خت کریں۔
سوال نمبر:3 ابدالی حروف کتاب سے پوچھے گئے صفحا ت پڑھ کر سنا ئیں۔ 5
اردو جنرل نالج سے پوچھے گئے سوالات کے جوابات دیں۔ 5
تحفہ کا صفحہ نمبر سنائیں۔۔ 5

10 Paper
Urdu Written
Marks: 50

اردو حروف تہجی:
اردو حروف تہجی ا تا ے
امتحا نی سوالات
15 سوال نمبر:1 ا تا ے حروف سکول پیٹر ن کے مطابق لکھیں۔
سوال نمبر:2 خالی جگہ پر کریں۔5
سوال نمبر:3 تصاویرکاپہلاحرف لکھیں اور ان میں رنگ بھریں۔5
سوال نمبر:4 حروف کو متعلقہ سے تصویر سے ملائیں۔ 5
سوال نمبر:5 درج زیل حروف تہجی کو تر تیب سے لکھیں۔ 5 ِ
سوال نمبر:6 املاء کریں۔ 10 ِ
سوال نمبر:7 حروف تہجی کی فیملی میں سے پوچھی گئی فیملی کی شنا خت کریں۔ 5