First Term Exams 2024

No Subject Details
1 Paper
Urdu A
Marks: 75

باب نمبر 1 حمد
باب نمبر 2 نعت
باب نمبر 3 رحمت عالم ؐ
باب نمبر 4 بادشاہی مسجد
باب نمبر 5 آؤ کھیوڑہ چلیں
باب نمبر 6 ایک گائے اور ایک بکری
( سلیس ، خلاصہ، مرکزی خیال، تشریح، الفاظ معنی، اور مشقی سوالات)۔

آن لائن ورک شیٹس
کل نمبرز:5

Paper Questions:
Objective Questions: 15
MCQs: Marks 5
Fill in the blanks: Marks 2.5
Correction of Sentences : Marks 2.5
Word Meaning : Marks 5
Subjective Questions: 60
Context Writing : Marks 5
Comprehension : Marks 2.5
Questions Answers : Marks 10
Summary : Marks 10
Central Idea : Marks 5
Word Sentences : Marks 10
Write a note : Marks 5
Poems Interpretation : Mark 5
Poems Comprehension : Mark 2.5
Dictation : Mark 5
2 Paper
Urdu B
Marks: 75

ورک بک صفحہ نمبر:
3 to 32
واحد جمع
احسان تا تحائف
مذکر مونث
ابو تا جوگی

Paper Questions:
Objective Questions: 30
MCQs: Marks 5
Fill in the blanks: Marks 2.5
True False : Marks 5
Correct the Sentences : Marks 5
Masculine Feminine : Marks 5
Singular Plural : Marks 5
Definitions : Marks 2.5
Subjective Questions: 45
Essay Writing : Marks 10
Story Writing : Marks 10
Application : Marks 10
Letter : Marks 10
Proverbs/Idioms : Marks 5
3 Paper:
English Literature
Marks: 75
Oxford Discover Book:
Unit no 1 : Dreaming of Dodos
Unit no 2 : Save our tigers
Unit no 5 : A Revolution in History
Unit no 6 : Planet SinRota
(Vocabulary, Synonyms, W/S, Q/A, Communication, Get ready, Understanding, Wrap up or creative Question from copy book and worksheet).

Reader: "The Golden Touch"
The Golden touch, The first spider
(Workbook Questions answers)

Paper Questions:
Multiple Choice Questions: Marks 5
Words Sentences : Marks 10
Words Synonyms : Marks 10
Questions Answers : Marks 10
Novel Questions Answers : Marks 10
Creative writing : Marks 15
Dictation : Marks 7.5
Reading : Marks 2.5
Online Worksheets: Marks 5
4 Paper:
English Language
Marks: 75
Work Book Lessons:
Lesson No: 1 to 4 (Pg no 7-30)
All 12 tenses
Page no : 76
Page no : 78
Forms of Verb
Page no : 66,67,68,69.

Paper Questions:
Tenses: Marks 5
Masculine Feminine: Marks 5
Singular Plural: Marks 5
Forms of Verb : Marks 5
Preposition : Marks 5
Parts of speech : Marks 5
Definitions : Marks 5
Essay Writing : Marks 10
Story Writing : Marks 10
Application/Letter : Marks 10
Comperhension : Marks 10
5 Mathematics:
Marks: 100
Unit No: 1 Counting to 10 million
Unit No: 2 Four Operations
Unit No: 5 Ratio
Unit No: 10 Average
Unit No: 12 Angles
(All definitions from book)
2 to 14

Paper Questions:
Objective Questions: Marks 30
Oral Questions: Marks 20
Subjective Questions: Marks 50

6 Paper
Marks: 100
Unit no: 1 Classification of Living Things
Unit no: 2 Micro-organisms
Unit no: 3 Physical and Chemical changes

Reading, Dictation and complete excercise (long & short questions answers) from workbook and text book.

Paper Questions:
Objective Questions: 20
MCQs: Marks 5
True False: Marks 5
Dictation: Marks 5
Fill in the blanks : Marks 5
Subjective Questions: 80
Short Questions Answers : Marks 30
Long Questions Answers : Marks 50
7 Paper
Social Studies:
Marks: 100
Unit no 1 : Citizenship,
Unit no 2 : Culture

Paper Questions:
Objective Questions: 20
MCQs: Marks 5
True False: Marks 5
Dictation: Marks 5
Fill in the blanks : Marks 5
Subjective Questions: 80
Short Questions Answers : Marks 30
Long Questions Answers : Marks 50
8 Paper
Compulsory Nazra
Marks: 50

والدین اپنے بچوں کو قرآن پاک کی تعلیم لازمی دلائیں اورہمارےلئے اور اپنے لئے آخرت کا سامان پیدا کریں۔

پہلے چار کلمے
ناظرہ: :
19 پارہ
حفظ قرآن: :
آیت الکرسی
دعا :
گھر میں داخل ہونے کی دعاآ
حدیث :
نمبر 1 اور 2
نماز :
درود ابراہیمی
حفظ و ترجمعہ
حضرت ابراہیم کی دعا بمعہ ترجمہ

Paper Questions:
Kalma: Marks 5
Dua: Marks 5
Namaz: Marks 5
Hadith: Marks 5
Surah: Marks 10
Para : Marks 20
9 Paper
Marks: 50

باب دوم ایمانیات و عبادات
آخرت، ختم نبوت اور اطاعت رسولﷺ، زکوۃ، جمعۃ المبارک کی فضیلت ، عیدین
باب سوئم سیرت طیبہ ﷺ
معراج النبی

Paper Questions:
MCQs: Marks 5
Fill in the blanks: Marks 5
Match the coulmn: Marks 5
Verses Translation : Marks 2.5
Dictation : Marks 2.5
Short Questions Answers : Marks 10
Long Questions Answers : Marks 20
10 Paper
Marks: 50
Unit No: 1,2

Marking Distribution:
Paper Marks= 25
Google Classroom Assignment Marks = 5
Practicles Performed in Lab Marks = 10
8 Finger typing Marks = 10
For marks in practicals: Attendance in Lab & quality of skilled performance will be carefully analysed (like use of windows, 8 fingures typing, acount making and using in Google, assignment sharing etc).

Paper Questions:
MCQs: Marks 10
Fill in the blanks: Marks 10
True False: Marks 5
11 Paper
Art & Drawing:
Book Shelf, Realistic jug and grapes, Cup filled with brushes, Calender and Apple, Sleeping Cat, Magical Mushroom kingdom.
Paper Basket

Marking Distribution:
Paper Marks = 30
Sketch Book Marks = 5
Scrap Book Marks = 5
Quality of Activities Performance Marks = 5

Google Assignment Marks = 5

Paper Questions:
Sketch and shade : Marks 10
Sketch and shade : Marks 10
Sketch and shade : Marks 10