Fund & Stationary Amount Breakup

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What is the need of this amount:

  1. To keep the quality check updated and to ensure curriculm related outcomes it is necessary to keep taking the stuedents's assessments in exams, tests or worksheets form. Such activities' related stationary material as well as designing related services are value added materials and services. For this purpose quality form of exmas or computer designed prints costs too much.
  2. For this purpose school has in house designers printing fecilities and quality computer working setup. Which in return provide students customed quality designed papers, worksheets, tests and even test-sheduled tests for Board Exams Preparation. It all costs high and full benefits quality assessments are provided to Abdali Scool Students.
  3. So cost is not just stationary materials but expensive computer set up with multiple printers as well expensive human resource too.
  4. For this purpose an amount equal to mothly fee as Annual Exams & Tests funds are charged in the first month of the session.
  5. Usually parents puts a question mark on these charges and ask the purpose. Here is the full description of amount and reason has been given for their satisfaction.

Annual: Exams & Photocopy Pack/Fund Bifurcation 2023-2024:

No Section 1st Term Exams Charges 2nd Term Exams Charges Annual Exams Charges Annual Photocopy Charges Total
1 Primary 1400 1400 1400 0800 5000
2 Middle 1400 1400 1400 1000 5200
3 High 1400 1400 1400 1800 6000

Stationary Items Required For Play Group To Class 5 (approximate):

  1. Art and brain storming excercises are part and parcel of the student eduction. Such activities need different sort of stationary and art materials immediately at the time of use for each child. But whenever such supplies are demanded from parents they some times delay or even provide the wrong materials. Keeping such things in mind school has taken the intiative to purchase these things in bulk on our own by collecting the amount from parents.
  2. One of the biggest benefits to have a school-issued stationary supply is that every kid will have similar items. This can significantly reduce competition, jealousy, and bullying among peers.
  3. For children belonging to low-income families, it can be difficult to gather all the necessary supplies and stick to a budget. It may help children families to inform school of the difficulties they face. Our schools have resources to help buy the needed supplies to the students. School can also consider buying supplies in bulk, as it can make a significant difference to family budget.
  4. Regardless of your child is starting kindergarten or even high school, most students will need a few basics throughout the school year. These items can be bought before the start of a semester. As we have multiple school-age children, we choose to buy them in bulk and transfer the benefit to parents, especially our montessori and kindergarten children.
  5. Remember, its essential to provide young, hungry minds with a strong education. The right tools can help set them up for success and ensure that they go far later in life.
  6. Stationary supply or its amount is received in the month of March (detail list of which is provided below).
  7. To avoid parents botheration of purchasing school has managed to purchase things in bulk for further giving the benefit of wholesale prices to the parents. This is why for Playgroup & Nursery instead of Rs. 4800 and for Prep & Class 1 instead of Rs. 4050 only Rs. 4000 will be payable to school in the month of February 2023. Annual Miscellaneous Charges (fund) are charged with monthly fee of February 2023 detail of which is given blow.
  8. However, even more important than school stationary supply list, especially given the current uncertainty being faced by our country, is to start this upcoming 2023 school year off right by offering empathy, compassion, and understanding to our children. Anxieties loom large, and its up to us as teachers and parents to lead them well.

Stationary Supply List For Play Group & Nursery (2023):

No Items Quantity Unit Price Total
1 Pencils (Bahadur) 4 Dozens 25 1200
2 Rubbers (Piano) 1 Dozen 10 120
3 Sharpener (Dux) 4 20 80
4 Tissues 4 190 760
5 Poster Colours 5 60 300
6 Glaze Paper 8 30 240
7 Glue Tube 32 cm 2 200 400
8 Colour Pencils Box (Picaso) 2 500 1000
9 Glitter Tube 4 50 200
10 Colour Charts 6 40 240
11 Amos Gum Tube (Medium) 3 200 600
12 Small Scissors 1 125 125
13 Total 62 4870

Stationary Supply List For Prep to Class 5 (2023):

No Items Quantity Unit Price Total
1 Poster Paints X X X
2 Acrylic Paints X X X
3 Computer Sheets/ Hard Charts/ Floral Felt Fabric Sheet X X X
4 Tapes X X X
5 Fomic Clay X X X
6 Crafting Scissors X X X
7 Canvas /Disposable Cups/ Stones X X X
8 Colour Pencils (Picaso) 2 500 1000
9 Glitter Tube 4 50 200
10 Colour Charts 6 50 300
11 Amos Gum Tube (Medium) 4 200 800
12 Small Scissors 1 150 150
13 Paint Brush 1 100 100
14 Crayons Large 1 380 380
15 Total x x