School Picture

Shama Branch

Annual Carnival 2022

Art is the complete understanding of life that kindles a great aesthetic taste and exploration of intellectual demonstration that ultimately leads towards better understanding and composition of abstract in the beautiful and symmetrical form in the concrete shape. It makes human beings cultured, sophisticated, and sober who abhors evil elements and positively contribute values and goodness in the society. An artist can never be brute or a violent person. In other words art is the glory of life and beauty of soul. It is also worth-mentioning that vulgarity which comes in form of art is condemnable.

Picture descripton of different models have been given below for your kind consideration and children appreciation for their creative efforts.

Flowers Model
Welcome Party 2022 Pics
Flowers Model
Welcome Party 2022 Pics
Flowers Model
Welcome Party 2022 Pics
Flowers Model
Welcome Party 2022 Pics
Flowers Model
Welcome Party 2022 Pics
Flowers Model
Welcome Party 2022 Pics