Second Term Exams 2023

No Subject Details
1 Urdu Literature
Marks: 75

کتاب :
اسباق نمبر : ،9،10،11،12،13,14،15،16،17 ( سلیس ، خلاصہ، مرکزی خیال، تشریح، الفاظ معنی، اور مشقی سوالات)

Paper Questions:
Online Worksheets : 5
Objectives Questions: 20
1. MCQs: Marks 5
2. True False: Marks 5
3. Words Meaning: Marks 5
4. Fill in the blanks: Marks 5
Subjective Questions: 50
1. Questions Answers : Marks 10
2. Paraphrase Writing : Marks 5
3. Comprehension passage : Marks 2.5
4. Summary : Marks 10
5. Central Idea : Marks 5
6. Word Sentences : Marks 10
7. Interpreting poems : Mark 5
8. Poems Comprehension : Mark 2.5
2 Urdu Language
Marks: 75

ورک بک صفحہ نمبر:
46 to 104
الفاظ مترادف : صفحہ نمبر 146
الفاظ متضاد : صفحہ نمبر 147
مذکر مونث : صفحہ نمبر 148

Paper Questions:
Objectives Questions: 30
MCQs: Marks 5
Fill in the blanks: Marks 2.5
True False : Marks 5
Correct the Sentences : Marks 5
Singular Plural/Masculine Feminine : Marks 2.5
Word Opposites/Synonymous : Marks 2.5
Pronunciation : Marks 2.5
Definitions : Marks 5
Subjective Questions: 45
Essay Writing : Marks 10
Story Writing : Marks 10
Application : Marks 10
Letter : Marks 10
Word Sentence : Marks 5
3 English
Marks: 75
"As you like it and Twelfth Night"
َ Questions like reference to context (Dictated, created or unseen) Objective questions based on critical understanding of the story, psychology of character or Logic of the situation will be asked.

Reader "The Adventures of Tom Souyer"
Chapter 6 to 10.

Paper Questions:
Objectives Questions: 20
MCQs: Marks : 2.5
True False : Marks 2.5
Correction of Sentences : Marks 2.5
Matching Coloumn : Marks 2.5
Choose the right option : 5
Online Assignments : 5
Subjective Questions: 55
Long Questions Answers : Marks 20
Short Questions Answers : Marks 10
Reference to the context : Marks 14
Word Sentences : Marks 5
Word Synonyms : Marks 6
4 English
Marks: 75
Grammar Lessons:
Parts of speech lesson 4,5,6,7,8.
Work Book:
lesson No: 6 to 14 (Pg no 76-158)

Paper Questions:
Objectives Questions: 30
Active Passive: Marks 5
Tenses: Marks 5
Direct & Indirect: Marks 5
Parts of Speech Excercise : Marks 15
Subjective Questions: 45
Essay Writing : Marks 10
Story Writing : Marks 10
Application/Letter : Marks 10
Comperhension : Marks 10
Translation : Marks 5
5 Mathematics:
Marks: 100
Ch no 5(a,b,c)
Unit no 3 (a,b,c), 8a, 8b
11a, 13a
1 to 12
All definitions which are marked in the book.
6 Science:
Marks: 75
Work Book:
Chapter 4 : , Chapter 5 : , Chapter 6 :, Chapter 7 :

Paper Questions:
Objectives Questions: 20
MCQs: Marks 5
True False: Marks 5
Fill in the blanks: Marks 5
Labelling : Marks 5
Subjective Questions: 80
Short Questions Answers : Marks 30
Long Questions Answers with Diagram : Marks 50
7 Geography:
Marks: 75
7, 8, 15

Paper Questions:
MCQs: Marks 15
Short Questions Answers: Marks 28
Long Questions Answers: Marks 32
8 Historys:
Marks: 75
20, 21, 22.

Paper Questions:
MCQs: Marks 15
Short Questions Answers: Marks 28
Long Questions Answers: Marks 32
9 Compulsory Nazra:
Marks: 50

چوتھا، پنجم اور ششم کلمہ
سورۃ القریش، سورۃ الکافرون، سورۃ الھب، سورۃ الاخلاص، سورۃ الفلق، سورۃ العصر
دعا نمبر 9 تا 17
پارہ نمبر 9، 10
نماز :
مکمل نماز، دعائے قنوت
حفظ و ترجمعہ
دعا نمبر 2،

10 Islamiyat:
Marks: 50

کتاب :
نماز، طہارت، پاکیزگی، حضرت ابراہیم

Paper Questions:
1. MCQs: Marks 10
2. Fill in the blanks: Marks 6
3. Short Questions : 10 Marks
4. Translation of Verses : Marks 6
5. Long Questions : Marks 18 (9x2)
11 Tarjuma Tul Quran:
Marks: 50

ترجمتہ القران:
سورتیں:سورۃ الماعون، سورۃ الکوثر، سورۃ النصر، سورۃ الھب، سورۃ الاخلاص
پیغمبر:حضرت ھود علیہ سلام، حضرت صالح علیہ سلام، حضرت لوط علیہ سلام

Paper Questions:
1. MCQs: Marks 10
2. Word Meanings: Marks 5 {0.5(if 10)/ 1(if 5)}
3. Short Questions : 10 Marks
4. Translation of Verses : Marks 15
5. Long Questions : Marks 10
12 Computer:
Marks: 50
3 & 4.

Marking Distribution:
Paper Marks= 30
Google Classroom Assignment Marks = 5
Practicles Performed in Lab Marks = 5
8 Finger typing Marks = 10
For marks in practicals: Attendance in Lab & quality of skilled performance will be carefully analysed (like use of windows, 8 fingures typing, acount making and using in Google, assignment sharing etc).

Paper Questions:
MCQs: Marks 5
Fill in the blanks: Marks 2.5
True False: Marks 2.5
Short Questions Answers : Marks 10
Long Questions Answers : Marks 10