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"Students Unite for Charity: Inspiring Change, Igniting Hope!"

In a world that often faces challenges, Charity Day is a reminder that there is hope, goodness, and a willingness to help others. It spreads positivity and reminds us all of the power of collective action.

As we believe in nurturing not only the minds of our students but also their hearts. That's why we celebrate Charity Day each year, a special occasion dedicated to fostering compassion, empathy, and a sense of responsibility towards the community and the world.

The process began with a visit from the Sundus Foundation team to the school. During their visit, the Sundus Foundation team conducted awareness sessions for the students. The team shared stories of individuals and communities who have benefited from their charity work, emphasizing the positive impact that even small contributions can make. After the awareness session, students who were inspired by the presentation had the opportunity to donate. The collection process involved designated donation boxes where students contributed their money.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to all the contributors for their generosity and willingness to help others.

Here are some glimpses