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Teacher's Day is an occasion when we come together as a school community to express our gratitude and admiration for our remarkable teachers. On October 5th, our school celebrated Teacher's Day. The school premises were adorned with colorful balloons, and posters expressing our love for our teachers. The classrooms and corridors were transformed into a festive environment that radiated appreciation. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement. One of the highlights of the day was the "Wall of Appreciation." A large board was set up in a prominent area of the school, adorned with colorful paper and markers. Students were encouraged to write personal messages to their favorite teachers on the board. The messages ranged from short notes of thanks to heartfelt letters of appreciation.The "Wall of Appreciation" quickly filled up with messages, creating a visual testament to the deep respect and affection our students have for their teachers. Teachers were visibly touched by the heartfelt sentiments expressed by their students.

Here are some glimpses 🔎